
Movement is lifestyle, support the Lifestyle you lead


The Move + Improve Online Hub

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Speaker on women's health and wellness

Workshops & Talks

Performance & Pelvic Floor, Pelvic Power, Dynamic Breathe & Core.  Release your Neck and Liberate your shoulders. Strong Flexible Spine.

The Castle Studio

At my fully equipped Pilates Studio, I offer highly personalised one to one movement session in person or online.


Starting your pilates class last January has been one of two of the best things I have done for myself. I am noticing great changes not just in my body but mentally and emotionally as well. Suzanne attention to detail, and to each person, creates a focus and depth of experience in the classes that has opened me to these changes.

Elaine Winters

I started Pilates after my fourth child was born! The fact that I am still attending Suzanne’s classes 12 years later should tell it’s own story. . A focus on core strength has hugely helped prevent back muscle strain for me. Every course is a natural progression of the previous, with well thought out exercises and schedules. Suzanne’s in-depth physiological knowledge means the exercise combinations during class are complimentary, and her soothing voice gets you through even the most challenging of moves! You’d find it difficult to get a better instructor!

Colette Rohan

Your health is your wealth! This is what my late grandfather used to call out to myself and my U12 teammates as we raced around Mac Cumhaill Park. Sure I had no idea, 30 years later the beauty and essence of those words would still be ringing so true as to have mapped out my entire professional life.


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